Pittsburgh Appraisal Blog

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If you would like a source for interesting real estate related information, YOU have come to the right place! Timely and incisive Pittsburgh Appraisal Blog.




Pre-Listing Pre-Purchase or FSBO Appraisal. Whether you’re a homeowner selling your property on your own or a seasoned realtor trying to establish a fair list price it’s often difficult to sift through all of the market data to determine a true value for your home....

Tax Assessment Appeal Appraisal. The best way to win an assessment appeal hearing is with a certified appraisal.

Estate or Probate Appraisal. When an estate has a transfer of ownership due to death or inheritance, it is very common for a real estate appraisal to be needed for tax purposes....

Divorce Appraisals. One or both parties should hire the services of a professional real estate appraiser to estimate the fair market value of the home. An appraisal for asset division should include a well-supported, professional report that’s defensible in court....

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